
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Vocab - *help wanted!*

Here's some more vocab from my notebook (I actually do keep a 'Portuguese notebook' in case you haven't caught on yet.) ;)

However, I don't have the time to look all of these words up at the moment. Any help is appreciated, and I'll look up the 'restando' words when I get a chance. (The left-over words - note the lack of ability to stay monolingual these days...)

From page 11:
“sessão das _ horas” = the _ o’clock show
“um rito austero” =
Apressado =
Calçada = sidewalk
Canteiro =
Cochichar =
Desfile =
Desmantelar =
Domingueira =
Dominical =
Drenagem =
Endomingados =
Enigmático =
Feroz =
Forasteiro =
Garagista =
Gesto =
Malícia =
Melancólico =
Murmurando =
Saleta =
Torneira =
Véspera =
Vigiar =
Virginidade = virginity
Volúpia =
From page 12:
“cúmulo da azar” = the height of misfortune
Abarrotou =
Agregar =
Atestado de saúde =
Avestruz =
Deliberar =
Desperdício =
Dívida = debt
Encomendar =
Fogão = oven/stove?
Gaiola = cage
Inundar =
Latir = to bark
Linguiça = sausage
Mandiocal =
Percorrer =
Pingar = to drip
Régia = royal, regal, princely
Retrucar =
Sacerdote =
Selva =
Silvícolas =
Taba =
Terno = suit (tuxedo?)
Tinturaria =
Vitrola =


webgringa said...

Posted by Bruno (quertzacoalt at gmail dot com) (5/14/2006):

Let me see if I can help you with some of them…

sessão das _ horas” = the _ o’clock show
Apressado = in a hurry
Calçada = sidewalk
Cochichar = to wisper
Desfile = parade
Desmantelar = dismantle
Feroz = vicious
Melancólico = melancolic
Murmurando = wispering/mumbling
Torneira = tap/faucet
Virginidade = virginity

From page 12:

“cúmulo da azar” = the height of misfortune
Avestruz = ostrich
Deliberar = deliberate
Desperdício = waste of sth.
Dívida = debt
Fogão = oven/stove
Gaiola = cage
Inundar = to flood
Latir = to bark
Linguiça = sausage
Percorrer = run/walk through
Pingar = to drip
Régia = royal, regal, princely
Selva = jungle
Terno = tuxedo

webgringa said...

Posted by Aisha (4/18/2006):

Here are some, the ones with * are the ones I’m not positive about

Apressado – *in a rush
Desfile – runway
Desmantelar – *to uncover
Enigmático – enigmatic
Feroz – fierce
Forasteiro – park ranger
Gesto – gesture
Melancólico – melancholy
Murmurando – *murmuring

Agregar – *to add
Avestruz – ostrich
Desperdício -*trash (that’s what it is in Spanish)
Encomendar – (ahh I used to know what this meant….)
Fogão = stove, oven is forno
Inundar – *to flood
Sacerdote – priest
Selva – forest
Tinturaria – *dry cleaners
Vitrola – *record player (I know it has to do with music)

When you get the rest of the definitions please post :)

And try Webster’s online dictionary,
It’s pretty good although not always 100% accurate

webgringa said...

Posted by Aisha (4/18/2006):

Oh yeah, and
cochichar – to whisper