
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

nerd4live X-Post (3)

fofoca - gossip
cadeia - jail
cueca - guys underwear (I think it can be both boxers and briefs, but definitely briefs)

New words:
quiabo - okra [this one I learned in Portugal, heh]
abobrinha - zucchini
bagunça(r) - (to make) a mess
droga! - Shit!, Oh my God! [Is this new? I don't remember hearing this when I came here 3 years ago, but I don't know..]

(this entry copied from LJ community post by nerd4live in WebGringaNotes)

1 comment:

webgringa said...

Posted by Josie (4/18/2006):

oi! .. droga is definitely not new.. i’m not sure why you wouldn’t have heard it 3 years ago. maybe the people you were around just didn’t use it often enough for you to pick up on it.

i love the bagunça! i had forgotten about that word!

even though this is an older use of the word abobrinha, i figured i’d share it anyway. i had to read a story for work and this woman is on a bus and all she has to pay for her bus fare with is an “abobrinha”: meaning a 1000 cruzeiro bill, called so because it has an orange tint on one side. (abóbora usually means squash in general, i think)

i’m not sure which is the correct one.. (i have a bill that looks like the first one)

Money 001
Money 002
Money 003

i love the fact that you can buy copies of these anywhere. someone was selling them near a church (a popular tourist attraction in Petrópolis).. and people are even selling them online!