
Sunday, December 04, 2005

"Dirty Work"

I only caught the second half of the movie on tv, but it was pretty funny. There's a big-shot millionaire that likes screwing people over and then two of the guys he messed with join the others that were ripped off and they get revenge.

There are lot's of silly "note to self" quotes...

Mitch: "Note to self: Making love to blow-up doll is not as good as advertised."

Mitch: "Note to self: remember to get ass wart cream for giant wart on my ass."

Mitch: "Note to self, no matter how hard life gets, there is always beer!"

Mitch: "Note to self: learn to fight."

And others:

Bearded Lady: "Hey, baby. You ever had a chick with a beard before?"
Mitch: "Can't say that I have there, bearded broad."
Bearded Lady: "Well, then, sugar, you haven't lived."
Mitch: "Note to self: I don't want to live."

Mitch: "Bet you didn't count on my loyal army of prostitutes!"

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