
Friday, April 02, 2010

A Real Look at My Future

I have been toying with the idea of going back to school to become a Speech Therapist and today I took the first step to find out how to do it.

I met with a professor at University of Cincinnati about the Master's Program for Speech-Language Pathology. I knew going in that I would have some prerequisite courses to take before I could start the Master's Program, but I didn't imagine that it would be 11 courses!

That will make things tricky because I have agreed to another year as an AmeriCorps member and that means more than 40 hours each week with some days not ending until after 5:30pm. I was informed today that there are no evening classes for this program, but some are offered online. Long story short, it may take 2 years for me to complete the prerequisite courses before I could start the Master's Program.

There's a million other things to think about, like how would I pay for it, when would I start, would I take them online or on campus, etc.

This line of thought is still in the very beginning stages, but I am thinking about it.

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