
Monday, September 21, 2009

Classic Classroom Moments

Setting: A tutor helping 2 Kindergarteners with a "ch" worksheet. i.e.: A picture of a chimp with the letters "imp" printed below it. The students need to fill in the letters "ch".

Kindergarten Student: I know what number 10 is!
(Note: #10 is a picture of an open box of chalk with pieces of chalk coming out of it.)
Tutor: What?
Kindergarten Student: It's chalk!
Tutor: Really? How do you know that?
Kindergarten Student: ...Well, I know it ain't cigarettes!


I now have a favorite Preschooler that attends After School Care. He always plays catch with a basketball with me and he is the cutest thing. Here are a couple of funny things that have happened in the past few weeks.

Setting: I was pretending to disagree with him about something so he said to me:

Preschooler: Yes you is!
Me (trying to correct him): Yes you ARE.
Preschooler: No I ain't!


Me: I'll be right back, I have to blow my nose.
Preschooler: I have to blow my toes too!

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