
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Back to -4!

I had my doubts about this week because of the Girl Scout Cookies... But then, I was feeling under the weather and slept for 24 of 36 hours this Thursday night to Saturday morning. Even though I was over my Friday calorie limit by over 600, the last thing I ate was around 1pm. I napped for 4 hours before going to bed and sleeping another 11 hours. I woke up and weighed myself, and was 2 pounds less than the morning before. Yes, probably a fluke... but there is something motivating about seeing that lower number on the scale again.

At 3:30pm on Saturday, I'm 164 calories over my 1,200 daily limit. I'm planning on being sedentary for the rest of the day (at least between trips to the basement for laundry - down 2 flights of stairs and back up), but my desire to not let the number on the scale creep back up again, I'm going to make sure I only eat low-calorie fruits or veggies until bed time instead of the usual high-calorie snacks I crave. We'll see how it goes!

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